The army’s duty is to stop this fascist
Expert compares Trump’s politics to fascism: https://youtu.be/c4MTns3MyxQ Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ Retired Generel CRUSHES Donald Trump For Calling Fallen Soldiers “Losers”: youtu.be/uWmrRpp9MFA Trump’s tweet and fascism: https://english.elpais.com/opinion/2020-08-14/trumps-tweet-and-fascism.html?ssm=TW_CC American Fascism: It Has Happened Here: https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2020/06/22/american-fascism-it-has-happened-here/ Prisonners of wars: https://youtu.be/c_6MGxvSaAY Conservative: https://youtu.be/tlmHVtVIJdU
“No Sir. In comparison with a great many men, I know that I am a fool”…
‘No, sir. In comparison with a great many men, I know that I am a fool. Perhaps it is because I know that, that I am a Conservative. The Radicals are always saying that a Conservative must be a fool. Then a fool ought to be a Conservative.’ The Duke’s children – Anthony Trollope Chapter…