Tag: healthy

  • Broccoli Tree

    Broccoli Tree

    Broccoli Tree Change a plane tree into broccoli, why?? – La taille des platanes, c’est tout un art! – Signé Genève: http://www.signegeneve.ch/geneve/centre/la-taille-des-platanes-cest-tout-un-art.html As for chard, here is an healthy and easy recipe : Cut the blett in small pieces. (Optional, I add a celery stalk, cut into small pieces as well). Melt them in hot olive oil…

  • Oh purée! du céleri-rave!

    Oh purée! du céleri-rave!

    Oh purée! du céleri-rave! If you wish, you can add grated nutmeg, pepper or even lemongrass that you can cut and then put to infuse in the broth (remove well before blending). The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. Enjoy your meal! Two potatoes…

  • Ancient Rome vegetables

    Ancient Rome vegetables

    Ancient Rome vegetables The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. In the country king of vegetables, this recipe has not moved a bit since the Roman Empire. At that time, it was said that those who ate fennel could access two thousand years of…

  • That Sugar film (2014) 

    That Sugar film (2014) 

      ‘Ultra-processed’ products now half of all UK family food purchases – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/02/ultra-processed-products-now-half-of-all-uk-family-food-purchases?CMP=share_btn_tw

  • Le savon

    Le savon

      Le meilleur désinfectant & le meilleur détachant The best disinfectant & the best stain remover – C’est pas sorcier sur le savon: https://youtu.be/AD9XD9eEL5A et émission complète: https://youtu.be/BX1_SQIi5_k Extrait de Copain des Sciences. – Le lavage des mains – Naître et grandir: http://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/mauxenfants/sante/fiche.aspx?doc=lavage-mains – Des biocides au rayon cosmétiques – Que choisir: https://www.quechoisir.org/actualite-savons-desinfectants-sanytol-et-dettol-des-biocides-au-rayon-cosmetiques-n8181/ – Savon de Marseille – quels sont…

  • Pain à l’oeil

    Pain à l’oeil

    Pain à l’oeil “Pain à l’oeil” is a play on word with “pain à l’ail” which means garlic bread. “A l’oeil” means in French that you do not measure or weigh the ingredients but rather you look at the aspect of what you are cooking to know the quantities you need for each ingredient. I…

  • Healthy Screens

    Healthy Screens

    Configure your computer to use Domain Name Servers that filter inappropriate websites: https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/228007127-FamilyShield-Computer-Configuration-Instructions Enable Youtube restricted mode and Google safe search: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/174084?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=enhttps://support.google.com/websearch/answer/510?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en Use an ad and tracking blocker: https://adblockplus.org/ Remove Youtube comments, suggestions and other annoyance: https://youtube.adblockplus.me But may be, adults need protection too… http://uk.businessinsider.com/facebook-raises-duplicate-fake-account-estimates-q3-earnings-2017-11?r=US&IR=T http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/23/facebook-tell-users-much-russian-fake-news-have-exposed http://www.wired.co.uk/article/brexit-russia-influence-twitter-bots-internet-research-agency https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/nov/15/falling-for-the-joke-the-risk-of-using-twitter-as-a-news-source How is this possible?: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/beware-of-the-bots-how-theyre-created-and-why-they-matter How to use Apple’s new Screen Time…

  • Inviting friends for dinner

    Inviting friends for dinner

    Oh! You’ve got coconut oil! Yes, we use it to make our own Nutella because we do not want to say no to the kids all the time. I mean how can you tell them no Nutella. So we use cashew and nut purees with chocolate and we don’t add any sugar as they are eating it on…

  • Hamlet Omelet

    Hamlet Omelet

    Hamlet Omelet You can cook oignons and tomatoes (or any other vegetables) on a low heat in the pan before pouring the eggs. – How To – make an omelette, from ‘Jamie Does…’: https://youtu.be/wA_Op5SoAAM – https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2010/jun/03/how-to-make-perfect-omelette: As with all very simple things, the omelette has attracted a certain mystique amongst those convinced that there must be…

  • Hamlet Omelet

    Hamlet Omelet

    Hamlet Omelet Vous pouvez faire cuire à feu doux dans la poele des oignons et des tomates (ou autres légumes) avant de verser les oeufs. – How To – make an omelette, from ‘Jamie Does…’: Click here: https://youtu.be/wA_Op5SoAAM – Les Nuls – Omelette: Cliquez ici: https://youtu.be/7TwG1S8Xk5A – L’autre vie de la Mère Poulard au Mont-Saint-Michel: Cliquez…