Tag: ideas

  • Si al referendo de iniciativa polular

    Si al referendo de iniciativa polular

    Elisée Reclus, L’Anarchie: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/L%E2%80%99Anarchie_(Reclus)#anarchie / Elisée Reclus, La anarquía: https://libros.uaem.mx/archivos/epub/anarquia-otros-textos/anarquia-otros-textos.pdf Mikhail Bakunin: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mija%C3%ADl_Bakunin Sobre el mismo tema: Et si les “gilets jaunes” s’inspiraient de la Suisse pour le “référendum d’initiative citoyenne” ? On vous présente leur système – France Info: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/et-si-les-gilets-jaunes-s-inspiraient-de-la-suisse-pour-le-referendum-d-initiative-citoyenne-on-vous-presente-leur-systeme_3109759.html#xtor=CS2-765  Sobre los partidos políticos: Discours : Ma démission de la présidence du Parti Pirate International…

  • Yes to the popular referendum!

    Yes to the popular referendum!

    Elisée Reclus, L’Anarchie: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/L%E2%80%99Anarchie_(Reclus)#anarchie / Elisée Reclus, Anarchy: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/elisee-reclus-anarchy Mikhail Bakunin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Bakunin On the same topic: Et si les “gilets jaunes” s’inspiraient de la Suisse pour le “référendum d’initiative citoyenne” ? On vous présente leur système – France Info: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/et-si-les-gilets-jaunes-s-inspiraient-de-la-suisse-pour-le-referendum-d-initiative-citoyenne-on-vous-presente-leur-systeme_3109759.html#xtor=CS2-765 On political parties: Discours : Ma démission de la présidence du Parti Pirate International / My…

  • Blank page

    Blank page

    Blank page Not having ideas, but having a pen… Like a hammer looking for its nail The pen is looking for his words. Silence. The blank page. “I have to do well”, a thought that censors me… To defeat it is to regain freedom of speech Which we all need. Change activities? No, no, no,…

  • The leader? WE

    The leader? WE

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515254836720041992/530138668044779530/49343131_39497817171262687_601453815151094124544_n.png The government is trying to impose leaders on yellow vests that do not want them: Fly Rider Jacline Mouraud Priscillia Ludosky Etienne Chouard It is quite clear that the government is trying to make Eric Drouet a martyr. After his first arrest, several petitions to free him were circulated: like this one: https://www.change.org/p/nous-les-gilets-jaunes-libérer-eric-drouet They…

  • Discover the list of claims of the yellow vests

    Discover the list of claims of the yellow vests

    No homeless, pensions, maximum salary… Discover the list of claims of the “yellow vests”The movement sent a press release to the media and MPs with about 40 demands on Thursday. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/zero-sdf-retraites-superieures-a-1-200-euros-salaire-maximum-a-15-000-euros-decouvrez-la-longue-liste-des-revendications-des-gilets-jaunes_3077265.html The claims of the “yellow vests” now officially go beyond the issue of fuel prices alone. In a lengthy statement sent to the media…

  • License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story

    License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story

    License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story Clementine woke up suddenly. She had dreamt that she was on the Red planet again, the planet where she was born. She was still considered a citizen of this planet, not of the Planet Brown for which she had left everything. As she couldn’t pay…