“How can you frighten a man whose hunger”…
How can you frighten a man whose hunger is not only in his own cramped stomach but in the wretched bellies of his children? You can’t scare him – he has known a fear beyond every other. The Grapes of Wrath – Chap 19 – John Steinbeck Comment peut-on effrayer un homme dont la faim ne…
I suppose love is an act of courage
I suppose love is an act of courage. Agatha Christie’s Marple: The Secret of Chimneys- Miss Marple s05e02 (2010)
“They said that here it’s not where you come from that counts, it’s what you make of the life you’re given”
They do It with mirrors, Agatha Christie
“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do”
Steve Jobs The quote is from the book Steve Jobs in his own words by George Beahm