The Senate, the power to piss people off
When you type “abolish the senate” in google, you realize that many countries want to abolish it. It is high time to replace it with the popular initiative referendum. The Senate prevented Obama from governing (500 blockades) and left Trump in power. The case of Trump’s impeachment on December 19, 2019, which was acquitted by…
Go, Go, Go!
Go, Go, Go! Thank you for opening the town halls for complaints, more than a step before opening them for the referendums. Operation “open town halls” on Saturday, December the 8th: “In this troubled period, mayors can connect citizens and the State”: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/operation-mairies-ouvertes-samedi-dans-cette-periode-trouble-les-maires-peuvent-relier-les-citoyens-et-letat_3087821.html Kneeling protester: A new symbol of the YellowVests? | RT: https://www.rt.com/news/445965-protesters-kneel-police-students Les GiletsJaunes…
Electing is not voting
Pauvre France – 52 minutes: https://youtu.be/mKrsQLfrcrY?si=jhING4L3PH5fo7ov Et si on arrêtait de prendre les gens pour des cons ? | Les idées larges | ARTE: https://youtu.be/A9kl3_vnXjI?si=t8998iqcZuL8dv_P