Tag: standard of living

  • A slice of the cake

    A slice of the cake

    It’s not going well. Purchasing power is melting away, the standard of living is falling, and doctors are less and less available, drugs less and less reimbursed, and so on. Pouvoir d’achat : ce que disent les chiffres… et ce qu’ils ne disent pas – Radio France: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/la-bulle-economique/pouvoir-d-achat-ce-que-disent-les-chiffres-et-ce-qu-ils-ne-disent-pas-7969607 There is clearly competition for resources. If…

  • I moved out

    I moved out

    The house was three hours’ drive from work. Then a lousy one bedroom flat, With half the room bending with the roof Then the house had no heating The other had a stream that ran from the kitchen to the street through the living room And the electricity installed 30 years ago Notary and municipal…