Femmes négligées = plus de femmes tuées
Vivre dans un monde construit autour de données masculines peut être fatal Les femmes ont deux fois plus de chances de mourir d’une insuffisance cardiaque que les hommes, car les services d’urgence ne connaissent que les symptômes masculins et renvoient les femmes chez elles. La recherche et les entreprises pharmaceutiques préfèrent le corps des hommes…
Women ignored = women die more
The consequences of living in a world built around male data can be deadly Women are twice more likely to die of heart failure than men because the emergency services only know the male symptoms and send women home. Research and pharmaceutical companies prefer men’s body as they are far more straightforward and they do…
Experience required Degree level is a must. Who can afford To work for free or for a low wage And this for long hours a week And over several months or even years? The best? Or rather those who are like fish in water Well heeled ambitious ones? A few lazy sloths, Who make others…