Tag: usa

  • Meat and environment, is that possible?

    Meat and environment, is that possible?

    Meat and environment, is that possible? No, if meat is responsible for the current pollution, it does not mean that we should stop eating meat. There will always be meat (old hens, cows, etc.) because without it, we would have to produce much more fruit and vegetables to provide the protein we need. And vitamin…

  • Viande et environnement, est-ce possible?

    Viande et environnement, est-ce possible?

    Viande et environnement, est-ce possible? Non, si la viande est responsable de la pollution actuelle, cela ne signifie pas qu’il faut arrêter de manger de la viande.  Il y aura toujours de la viande (vieilles poules, vaches, etc) car sans elle, il faudrait produire beaucoup plus de fruits et légumes pour fournir les protéines dont…

  • War and Peace at the UN

    War and Peace at the UN

    War and Peace at the UN In 1961, Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane, which wanted to establish a UN right of interference in Katanga (Congo), crashed. The square in front of the General Secretariat in New York still bears his name. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/12/former-raf-pilot-shot-down-un-chief-dag-hammarskjold-1961-plane http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/dag/time1960.htm The project to establish a right of interference falls through. This means…

  • Guerre et Paix à l’ONU

    Guerre et Paix à l’ONU

    Guerre et Paix à l’ONU En 1961, l’avion du secrétaire général Dag Hammarskjöld qui souhaitait instaurer un droit d’ingérence de l’ONU au Katanga (Congo) se crashe. La place devant le secretariat général à New York porte toujours son nom. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/12/former-raf-pilot-shot-down-un-chief-dag-hammarskjold-1961-plane http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/dag/time1960.htm Le projet d’instaurer un droit d’ingérence tombe à l’eau. Cela signifie que l’ONU ne peut…

  • The American people’s choice

    The American people’s choice

    Fahrenheit 11/9: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8632862/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1 Petition to the UN in accordance with sustainable development goals #16 “peace, justice and strong institutions” (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg16 ), for the Popular Initiative Referendum Sign here: http://chng.it/7ZyzgZRB and then forward it! Use DeepL to translate  

  • We the people

    We the people

      Hurricane Harvey: 5 ways social media saved lives in Texas: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/the-conversation/sd-hurricane-harvey-5-ways-social-media-helped-rescue-efforts-20170828-htmlstory.html   Texans’ do-it-ourselves rescue effort defines Hurricane Harvey – Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/texans-do-it-ourselves-rescue-effort-defines-hurricane-harvey/2017/09/02/f41bb8ee-8f2f-11e7-8df5-c2e5cf46c1e2_story.html?utm_term=.0064029c0645   Google crisis map shows you where all the Hurricane Irma shelters are – Metro: http://metro.co.uk/2017/09/08/google-crisis-map-shows-you-where-all-the-hurricane-irma-shelters-are-6912984/   Google Maps will mark road closures in real time in Florida ahead of Hurricane Irma – The…