Tag: working conditions

  • The workers

    The workers

    “Saluez, riches heureux,  /“Salute, you happy rich, Ces pauvres en haillons / These poor in rags Saluez, ce sont eux, / Salute them, they’re the ones Qui gagnent vos millions” / Who earn your millions” Song by the Penn Sardin of Douarnenez, 1905. Wealth in Europe and America has been and continues to be built…

  • Immigration


    The images are frightening. We see caravans of migrants crossing Central America on their way to the United States. We see boats filled to the brim off the coast of Florida or in the Mediterranean. In border towns, we see hordes of young men on the streets, destitute, jumping the barriers of detention centres, living…

  • What you work for matters!

    What you work for matters!

    Peaceful environment for privileged people or efficient people who manage to live peacefully together and become priviledged? “Work must be placed above all competitive struggles. It is not a commodity.”. Albert Thomas  “My Life is My Message” Gandhi The basic income should be insured so that workers are not compelled to work for immoral causes.…

  • Artisans Angkor, a  SiemReap factory 

    Artisans Angkor, a  SiemReap factory 

       Our Activities in Certain Countries –  ILO AbilityAsia: http://www.ilo.org/public/english//region/asro/bangkok/ability/c_khm.htm