Tag: yummy

  • Honey, ice-cream please!

    Honey, ice-cream please!

    1 tablesppon of honey 10cl of milk 50g of cream 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional) Mix well. Pour into 4 ice-cream molds. Leave 5 hours in the freezer. Yummy! The better the quality of the products, the better the dish. So choose your products well. (from your personal garden or the market…

  • Le mon coeur

    Le mon coeur

    It doesn’t taste at all like the industrial curds in supermarkets.` The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. You can replace the lemons or some of them by oranges. It is also super yummy. You need for these two jars: 3 large juicy lemon,…