Tag: choice

  • The American people’s choice

    The American people’s choice

    Fahrenheit 11/9: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8632862/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1 Petition to the UN in accordance with sustainable development goals #16 “peace, justice and strong institutions” (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg16 ), for the Popular Initiative Referendum Sign here: http://chng.it/7ZyzgZRB and then forward it! Use DeepL to translate  

  • Basic Income is possible.

    Basic Income is possible.

    The instrument of freedom | Philippe Van Parijs | TEDxGhent: https://youtu.be/GP4sBGbeF8w – Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash…- Rutger Bretman – TeDTalks: https://youtu.be/ydKcaIE6O1k – Universal Basic Income: UBI Pilot Program – futurisme: https://futurism.com/images/universal-basic-income-ubi-pilot-programs-around-the-world – Can a universal basic income resolve future income security challenges? – ILO: https://www.ilo.org/global/meetings-and-events/WCMS_562867/lang–en/index.htm A well-made video about the UBI to…

  • Yes to educational freedom for all

    Yes to educational freedom for all

    Yes to educational freedom for all Teachers, pupils, parents, administration; how many are the people deeply disappointed with education? How many people lack access to education because they are too young or too old, or because they are just not fitting in the school system? How many  times do we hear “I had a hard…

  • Gender


    “Aie le courage de devenir ce que tu es” ― Søren Kierkegaard It was a beautiful fall in Geneva and they were training for the Escalade, the famous Winter Genevan run. What else than a jogging in the beautiful colors of Park Bertrand? And of course, as women always do, they were chatting at the sametime. The discussion had come to…