
Basic Income is possible.

The instrument of freedom | Philippe Van Parijs | TEDxGhent

– Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash…- Rutger Bretman – TeDTalks:

Universal Basic Income: UBI Pilot Program – futurisme:

Can a universal basic income resolve future income security challenges? – ILO:–en/index.htm

A well-made video about the UBI to ensure dignity of life for everyone

Rationale of the basic income trial

Spain’s UBI Is A Wake-Up Call For Americans, Current Affairs:

Coronavirus : l’Espagne va instaurer le revenu universel, Europe 1:

La renta básica deja de ser una utopía, El Pais:

“A la télé ils disent tous les jours : “Y a trois millions de personnes qui veulent du travail.” C’est pas vrai : de l’argent leur suffirait.” Coluche

Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0