El Rust belt
El Rust Belt hizo rico y próspero el este de Estados Unidos. De 1850 a 1980, las mayores empresas estadounidenses se ubicaron cerca de los Grandes Lagos: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Millones de estadounidenses trabajaron en estas fábricas, al principio en condiciones difíciles, luego estas condiciones mejoraron gracias a la organización de los…
The Rust Belt
The Rust Belt made the eastern USA rich and prosperous. From 1850 to 1980, the largest American companies were located near the Great Lakes: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Millions of Americans worked in these factories, at first in difficult conditions, then these conditions improved thanks to the organization of workers into unions. These…
¿Quién apoya a los militares estadounidenses?
Donald Trump no respeta a los militares estadounidenses. Ha desautorizado públicamente a la CIA al admitir que cree más en Putin que en la CIA. Antepone los intereses rusos a los estadounidenses. Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence – CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/07/16/politics/donald-trump-putin-helsinki-summit/index.html Calificó de «perdedores» a los soldados muertos en combate. Trump: Americans Who Died in…
Who backs the US military?
Donald Trump has no respect for the U.S. military. He has publicly disavowed the C.I.A., admitting that he believes Putin more than the C.I.A. He puts Russian interests before those of the United States. Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence – CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/07/16/politics/donald-trump-putin-helsinki-summit/index.html He called those who died in combat “losers”. Trump: Americans Who Died…
La Rust belt
La Rust Belt a rendu riche et prospère le grand est des Etats-Unis. De 1850 à 1980, les plus grandes entreprises américaines étaient près des grands lacs: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Des millions d’américains travaillaient dans ces usines d’abord dans des conditions difficiles puis ces conditions ce sont améliorées grâce à l’organisation des…
Arizona, Nevada and California Dream
Californians are leaving California because housing is terribly expensive, and beggary and poverty are everywhere on the streets. Inequality is toxic: the state has the most billionaires and the most homeless people in the US. Tens of thousands of residents of Nevada and Arizona are seeing their housing prices soar as a result of the…
Qui soutient les militaires américains?
Donald Trump n’a aucun respect pour les militaires des Etats-Unis. Il a désavoué la C.I.A en public en admettant qu’il croyait d’avantage Poutine que la C.I.A. Il fait passer les intérêts russes avant les intérêts américains. Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence – CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/07/16/politics/donald-trump-putin-helsinki-summit/index.html Il a appelé les militaires morts au combat des “losers”.…
Arizona, Nevada et California Dream
Les Californiens quittent la Californie parce que le logement est terriblement cher, la mendicité et la pauvreté sont partout dans les rues. Les inégalités y sont toxiques: c’est l’Etat des Etats-Unis où il y a le plus de milliardaires et le plus de sans-abris. Des dizaines de milliers d’habitants du Névada et d’Arizona voient les…
We’re all in it together
The Republicans, Richard Nixon with the opening up to China in the 1970s and Ronald Reagan with the relocation of manufacturing to Mexico in the 1980s, put quantities of products on the market at lower prices than before. This was presented as a gift to purchasing power. It gave people more disposable income. Landlords then…