Tag: freedom

  • Freedom and coexistence

    Freedom and coexistence

    The philosophers of the Enlightenment and the liberals of the French Revolution wanted three things above all: bread, freedom of conscience and the abolition of privileges. The right to a decent life should not be merchandised. Having a roof over your head and bread should not be monetized. Revolutionaries marched for bread. It was the…

  • The leader? WE

    The leader? WE

    The leader? WE https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515254836720041992/530138668044779530/49343131_39497817171262687_601453815151094124544_n.png The government is trying to impose leaders on yellow vests that do not want them: Fly RiderJacline MouraudPriscillia LudoskyEtienne Chouard It is quite clear that the government is trying to make Eric Drouet a martyr. After his first arrest, several petitions to free him were circulated: like this one: https://www.change.org/p/nous-les-gilets-jaunes-libérer-eric-drouet They…

  • Vth Republic, still there…

    Vth Republic, still there…

    Vth Republic, still there… Pour lire ceci en français: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/180762477400/vème-république-toujours-là-oui-au-référendum Oui au Référendum d’initiative populaire: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/158886557375/oui-au-référendum-dinitiative-populaire-sur-le Wishing a safe journey to the Yellow Vests: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/180241239260/wishing-a-safe-journey-to-the-yellow-vests-the The situation of Yellow Vests today: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/180480765525/the-situation-of-yellow-vests-today-1-fed-up-with Homeless, pensions, maximum salary… Discover the list of claims of the “yellow vests”: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/180682999955/homeless-zero-pensions-maximum-salary-discoverZéro SDF, retraites, salaire maximum… Découvrez la liste des revendications des…

  • License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story

    License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story

    License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story Clementine woke up suddenly. She had dreamt that she was on the Red planet again, the planet where she was born. She was still considered a citizen of this planet, not of the Planet Brown for which she had left everything. As she couldn’t pay…

  • Basic Income is possible.

    Basic Income is possible.

    The instrument of freedom | Philippe Van Parijs | TEDxGhent: https://youtu.be/GP4sBGbeF8w – Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash…- Rutger Bretman – TeDTalks: https://youtu.be/ydKcaIE6O1k – Universal Basic Income: UBI Pilot Program – futurisme: https://futurism.com/images/universal-basic-income-ubi-pilot-programs-around-the-world – Can a universal basic income resolve future income security challenges? – ILO: https://www.ilo.org/global/meetings-and-events/WCMS_562867/lang–en/index.htm A well-made video about the UBI to…

  • Yes to educational freedom for all

    Yes to educational freedom for all

    Yes to educational freedom for all Teachers, pupils, parents, administration; how many are the people deeply disappointed with education? How many people lack access to education because they are too young or too old, or because they are just not fitting in the school system? How many  times do we hear “I had a hard…

  • Cicéron, De la République

    Cicéron, De la République

    “La liberté ne consiste pas à avoir un bon maître, mais à n’en point avoir.” Cicéron, De la République   “Freedom is not about having a good master, but not having one.” — Cicero, The Republic  

  • BlackBird


    To listen to the music: – Paul McCartney – BlackBird (1968): https://youtu.be/fe_djkoontQ – Paul McCartney – Blackbird(Abbey Road studio LIVE): https://youtu.be/JiL5JpUtjqY Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbird_(Beatles_song) Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly All your life You were only waiting for this moment to arise Blackbird singing in the dead of…

  • The chicks waiting for the beaked will take flight

    The chicks waiting for the beaked will take flight

    Les oisillons qui attendent la becquée prendront leur envol Los pajarillo que esperan el pico alzarán el vuelo

  • Cut


    And the violenceFeeling you are living with a head in a vise-gripLiving at another level of consciousnessToo tired to be able to use the brainThe head feeling dizzyDiscomfort A hypoglycemia?The lack of sleep? Continuous stress pressure?Not a minute of respiteEat what you findWhat you can Feeling like you are not living normallyJust trying not to…