Tag: clean

  • My personal Henna recipe:

    My personal Henna recipe:

    My personal Henna recipe: If your hair is tinted with chemicals, make a detox mask first. 1. Prepare the mixture without using metal utensils. 1 egg (nourishing the hair) 1 black beer (bringing volume) 60g of neutral henna (sheathing your hair ―do not use natural henna = lawsonia inermis which tints in red) 70g of…

  • Broken hearts, broken windows

    Broken hearts, broken windows

    Broken hearts, broken windows – #Love I’m just back from Paris and I found a miracle there: a clean city and Parisians forcing themselves to be super nice. It was obvious they were making a huge effort to be nice and to speak English; and they did manage and I am even more impressed by…

  • Le savon

    Le savon

    Le meilleur désinfectant & le meilleur détachant The best disinfectant & the best stain remover – C’est pas sorcier sur le savon: https://youtu.be/AD9XD9eEL5A et émission complète: https://youtu.be/BX1_SQIi5_k Extrait de Copain des Sciences. – Le lavage des mains – Naître et grandir: http://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/mauxenfants/sante/fiche.aspx?doc=lavage-mains – Des biocides au rayon cosmétiques – Que choisir: https://www.quechoisir.org/actualite-savons-desinfectants-sanytol-et-dettol-des-biocides-au-rayon-cosmetiques-n8181/ – Savon de Marseille – quels…

  • Inviting friends for dinner

    Inviting friends for dinner

    Oh! You’ve got coconut oil! Yes, we use it to make our own Nutella because we do not want to say no to the kids all the time. I mean how can you tell them no Nutella. So we use cashew and nut purees with chocolate and we don’t add any sugar as they are eating it on…