Black hole
“You have to find out what you can’t know before you know you can’t, don’t you? (…) The point is people must think, people must go on thinking, they must try to extend the boundaries of knowledge and they don’t sometimes even know where to start. You don’t know where the boundaries are, do you?”…
Head in the clouds
Albert Einstein was considered at school as a bogus because he always had his head in the clouds. His name is now used as synonymous with genius. Is there a link between his scientific creativity and his state of mind? Many Studies prove that yes, there is one. For instance, Ut Na Sio and…
Artificial Intelligence What a surprise to find a comic strip on Artificial Intelligence written by somebody called Montaigne!: Marion Montaigne présente l’Intelligence artificielle: https://youtu.be/DtdoNksCtmE Indeed, Montaigne discusses in the Essays whether the savages found mainly in Brazil are human beings or not and whether they should be considered humans, the way the barbarians in Ancient Greece…
Demainlefilm – Chap 3: L’Economie
#demainlefilm: https://www.demain-lefilm.com/en/film The award-winning globally acclaimed film, Tomorrow, by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent. Trailer: https://youtu.be/NUN0QxRB7e0 Wikipedia – Demain (film, 2015): https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demain_(film,_2015)#.C3.89conomie Demain présenté à la COP 21: http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/environnement/demain-le-road-movie-citoyen-de-melanie-laurent-est-presente-a-la-cop-21_1741493.html Wir Franc: https://www.wir.ch/fr/qui-est-wir/qui-est-wir-et-quest-ce-que-cest/