Tag: health

  • We’re all in it together

    We’re all in it together

    The Republicans, Richard Nixon with the opening up to China in the 1970s and Ronald Reagan with the relocation of manufacturing to Mexico in the 1980s, put quantities of products on the market at lower prices than before. This was presented as a gift to purchasing power. It gave people more disposable income. Landlords then…

  • Cancer, give people a fighting chance

    Cancer, give people a fighting chance

    The cells of the human body have a life span of 2 weeks to 15 years. To ensure the continuity of the human body, they duplicate and then die. This is written into the DNA. Hormones trigger DNA functions. There are a hundred thousand billion cells in the human body. Every day, 50 billion cells…

  • Looking for fat

    Looking for fat

    In the 1950s people ate a lot of fat in their diets. Obesity was anecdotic. In the mid 70S- 1980s began the obesity epidemics after people have been told to cut the fat. Now sugar is driving food consumption. If people went back to healthier 1950s diet it would be a disaster for the food…

  • Price ceilings and price floors

    Price ceilings and price floors

    Food, housing, energy, education, health and arms cannot be left to the market. We need to control prices. These are not consumer goods. They are commodities essential to human needs. The very reason for civilization is to be able to provide these necessities. They are not goods to enrich a part of the population. People…

  • Absences from work

    Absences from work

    Everyone talks about absence from work. But if you don’t show up for work, it’s professional misconduct and you can be fired for it. What we’re talking about is absence from work, which is justified by a sick leave, i.e. due to illness. To speak of absence from work without mentionning illness is to question…

  • Breastfeeding


    Skin to skin,Mouth to breast,You breathe lifewith your nourishing milk. A serene and straightforward headmakes you perpetuatethis gesture through the agesand civilizations. Listening to nature,you reject artificial milksdevoid of hormones andgood bacteriathat populate a baby’s intestinal flora.Factory-sterilized,they make babies more fragile,and promote allergies. Maternal love,the joy of being fed,This precious bondmust be preserved. You can…

  • EU-Mercosur


    Under the EU-Mercosur agreement, goods circulate freely without controls or taxes. There is a health risk for consumers in Europe. We will be creating production conditions that are deplorable in social, human health, animal welfare and environmental terms. For example, 27% of the pesticides used by Brazilian farmers are banned in Europe. Many companies in…

  • Freedom and coexistence

    Freedom and coexistence

    The philosophers of the Enlightenment and the liberals of the French Revolution wanted three things above all: bread, freedom of conscience and the abolition of privileges. The right to a decent life should not be merchandised. Having a roof over your head and bread should not be monetized. Revolutionaries marched for bread. It was the…

  • 4-day workweek

    4-day workweek

    – New Zealand Prime Minister opens door to 4-day working week – World Economic forum: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/new-zealand-jacinda-ardern-4-day-week-pandemic-productivity/ – 70+ reasons why switching to four-day workweek is better – CDN: https://cdn.shortpixel.ai/client/q_glossy,ret_img,w_768/https://theundercoverrecruiter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/infographic-4-day-workweek-1-768×4545.jpg – Microsoft experimented with a 4-day workweek, and productivity jumped by 40% – Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-4-day-work-week-boosts-productivity-2019-11 – ‘The old ways of working are outdated’: Unilever is experimenting with a 4-day workweek – Fortune: https://fortune.com/2020/12/01/unilever-four-day-work-week/ – Spain wants to make…

  • I know it’s bad for me but I can’t help buying it. How can I stop?

    I know it’s bad for me but I can’t help buying it. How can I stop?

    Processed food has historically helped human beings to be healthier (eg pasteurization, fermentation, natural conservatives, and so on). But ultra-processed food has not. It is proved that it causes diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, depression, mood disorders and obesity. So why does it represent more than half of the diet of the British and the Americans…