La producción ecológica masiva no tiene futuro
En los últimos tres años, Europa ha sufrido pérdidas de cosechas debido a la sequía y a las especies invasoras. Los agricultores no pueden hacer frente al precio de los cereales procedentes de Ucrania, que se encuentra en una situación desesperada. Cada segundo desaparece una hectárea de tierra cultivable en el mundo, y el suelo…
Humillados por la Republica
Durante la revolución industrial, la gente fue desplazada a la fuerza del campo a ciudades o complejos industriales donde había fábricas o minas. Karl Marx convirtió a estos desplazados en una clase, el proletariado. En los años 70, se les desposeyó de sus lugares de trabajo trasladando sus fuentes de ingresos al extranjero. Las empresas,…
El acuerdo UE-Mercosur
En virtud del acuerdo UE-Mercosur, las mercancías circulan libremente sin controles ni impuestos. Existe un riesgo sanitario para los consumidores europeos. Estaremos creando unas condiciones de producción deplorables en términos sociales, de salud humana, bienestar animal y medio ambiente. Por ejemplo, el 27% de los pesticidas utilizados por los agricultores brasileños están prohibidos en Europa.…
Under the EU-Mercosur agreement, goods circulate freely without controls or taxes. There is a health risk for consumers in Europe. We will be creating production conditions that are deplorable in social, human health, animal welfare and environmental terms. For example, 27% of the pesticides used by Brazilian farmers are banned in Europe. Many companies in…
Organic mass production has no future
Over the last three years, Europe has seen crop failures due to drought and invasive species. Farmers can’t beat the price of grain from Ukraine, which is in desperate straits. One hectare of arable land disappears every second in the world, and soil is a non-renewable resource. La disparition des terres agricoles – planetoscope: https://www.planetoscope.com/sols/1175-disparition-de-surfaces-agricoles-dans-le-monde.html…
Humiliated by the Republic
During the industrial revolution, people were forcibly moved from the countryside to cities or industrial estates where there were factories or mines. Karl Marx turned these displaced people into a class, the proletariat. In the 1970s, they were dispossessed of their places of work by moving their sources of income abroad. Companies seeking to increase…
I know it’s bad for me but I can’t help buying it. How can I stop?
Processed food has historically helped human beings to be healthier (eg pasteurization, fermentation, natural conservatives, and so on). But ultra-processed food has not. It is proved that it causes diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, depression, mood disorders and obesity. So why does it represent more than half of the diet of the British and the Americans…
Wishing a safe journey to the yellow vests
Wishing a safe journey to the yellow vests The movement began because many people were outraged by the sharp rise in fuel prices. Let’s welcome their first popular success on Saturday, November 17, 2018 when they blocked access to supermarkets. Do you think they will turn to other less dangerous means of action such as…
What is wasting?
What is wasting? Chew twice in an apple and leave it because you’re full or eat two packages of industrial cakes and buy a fourth one because you’re still hungry?
You can’t get enough… Enough!
The same companies can’t get enough of our money; they poison us with their food (that we buy more and more because of the craving feeling it creates) and poison our democracy by corrupting politicians and scientists to make their poison legal. Thus craving for more and more money. – How Big Business Got Brazil Hooked on…