¡Sí a la libertad educativa para todos!
El papel de la educación nacional es formar a los futuros ciudadanos y reducir las desigualdades en las oportunidades de prosperar. Los últimos gobiernos franceses no han mostrado ninguna voluntad de cumplir estas misiones. En el informe «Innocenti 13» de UNICEF, Francia ocupa el puesto 28 de 35 países de la UE/OCDE en cuanto a…
Yes to educational freedom for all!
The mission of national education is to educate future citizens and reduce inequalities in opportunities for success. Recent French governments have shown no willingness to fulfill these missions. Indeed, in UNICEF’s “Innocenti 13” report, France is ranked 28th out of 35 EU/OECD countries in terms of inequality and well-being among children. (https://www.unicef.fr/article/inegalites-entre-les-enfants-la-france-28e-sur-35-pays-riches/). The demands of…
Do help Mrs Dalloway!
Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf – eBook: https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91md Mrs Dalloway’s 1997 film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119723/?ref_=nv_sr_1 What Singapore, Norway and Switzerland have in common ? According to OECD (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/mental-health/data-and-statistics), they are the 3 most advanced countries in the world. They also share the same approach to justice and mental health by providing their citizens with a system common to all.…