The visible man – Visible can mean safe and fun
The visible man – Visible can mean safe and fun 85% of accidents on both wheels are caused by motorists who have not seen them. How to be more visible while being safe? Failing to find a security outfit iridescent like a peacock, my cousin decided to customize his scooter and accessories to be more…
Exit the problem!
Exit the problem! To know the legislation in your country, click on your country here: LEGOSH Occupational Safety and Health (OSH): https://www.ilo.org/dyn/legosh/en/f?p=14100:1000:0::NO::: Pour lire cet article en français, cliquez ici:https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/176949094965/issues-au-secours-pour-connaître-la-législation Bataclan 2015 – Heysel Stadium 1985 – World trade center 2001 – Overloaded boats with passengers Africa Asia – Grenfell tower 2017- Mecca 2015- Miners in Chile 2010…
Man with a beard
“Hello little monkey! How are you? Hi Barbara! What’s up?, Bam exclaimed. – Hi! Fine, fine and you? Barbara echoed. – Hi! Little monkey, Bam didn’t hear any answer. HelloOoO! – Say hello, Imberly, Barbara insisted. – Hi! Imberly babbled. – How are you? You look very stylish! What a haircut! You look like a footballer!…