Tag: arts

  • CCC


    My children’s favourite recipe. You can replace the squash with celeriac. The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish. Marmiton – Soupe 3C: http://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_soupe-3c-courge-carotte-coco_86222.aspx Passeport Santé Citrouille et Potiron: http://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Nutrition/EncyclopedieAliments/Fiche.aspx?doc=citrouille_nu Peel and cut squash and carrots into small pieces. Place in a cast-iron casserole or pressure cooker with coconut milk and stock (optional and…

  • Poirococo


    For an everyday treat, or for daring to invite friends over. The leeks can be replaced by zucchinis with their skin. You can replace the curry with ras el-hanout. The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish. Make a leek fondue: cook the leeks over a low heat in olive oil, salt and…

  • Le phare des idées de la Révolution, le triomphe des techniques et des sciences

    Le phare des idées de la Révolution, le triomphe des techniques et des sciences

    The beacon of revolutionary ideas, the triumph of technology and science El faro de las ideas de la Revolución, el triunfo de la técnica y la ciencia Eiffel, la guerre des tours – Arte: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/108936-000-A/eiffel-la-guerre-des-tours/

  • Le chiffon rouge Moderne

    Le chiffon rouge Moderne

    Le chiffon rouge Moderne –  Le Chiffon Rouge, Chanson de lutte et d’espoir, a 36 ans – CGT Dieppe: http://www.cgt-dieppe.fr/article-le-chiffon-rouge-chanson-de-lutte-et-d-espoir-a-36-ans-119359772.html – Grievance handling – ILO: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_protect/—protrav/—travail/documents/publication/wcms_622209.pdf – The Global Deal: http://www.theglobaldeal.com – Digital trade unions will empower tomorrow’s sharing economy employees – Wired: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/gig-economy-digital-unions – Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations:Global Trends, Challenges and Opportunities – ILO: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_636203.pdf – Imagine John…

  • Healthy Soda

    Healthy Soda

    Healthy Soda Half a lemon juice + 1 liter of water = ça mousse (foam) You can also add slices of fresh ginger roots and add them to this drink.  You can also make variations to this recipe: it works with oranges, strawberries, grapefruits or anything you like. The Guardian – Grandma’s all-natural recipes: when…

  • My personal Henna recipe:

    My personal Henna recipe:

    My personal Henna recipe: If your hair is tinted with chemicals, make a detox mask first. 1. Prepare the mixture without using metal utensils. 1 egg (nourishing the hair) 1 black beer (bringing volume) 60g of neutral henna (sheathing your hair ―do not use natural henna = lawsonia inermis which tints in red) 70g of…

  • Healthy Hair, The advice of a Wookie, for hair and beards 

    Healthy Hair, The advice of a Wookie, for hair and beards 

    Healthy Hair, The advice of a Wookie, for hair and beards Shampoo: 1 beaten egg + 2 scoops of neutral washing gel (for instance Hipp Gel lavant: https://www.migros.ch/fr/product/513245000000). Leave for a minute and then rinse with cold / warm water to avoid cooking the egg. The egg is optional. If you suffer from dandruff, use…

  • Miss Terra cheers me up

    Miss Terra cheers me up

    Miss Terra cheers me up Tira = terra = earth, soil -> Tiarra / Misu = sublime / minus  ->  Miss “Tiramisù” comes from the Venetian tiramesù [tirameˈsu], meaning “pick me up”, “cheer me up” or “lift me up” Miss Terra – Wikipedia: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Terra Tiramisu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiramisu 1) Mix three egg yolks and 75g of sugar until…

  • Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!

    Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!

    Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language! The better the quality of the products, the better the recipe to taste and for health. It is better to choose the right products: garden, A.M.A.P., market, craftsman, etc. preferably organic. Choose ingredients that go together: read tagine recipes and follow your inspiration. Cut the onions and fry them…

  • Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin

    Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin

    Plus la qualité des produits est bonne, meilleur sera la recette au goût et pour la santé. Il est préférable de bien choisir ses produits: du jardin, d’une A.M.A.P., du marché, d’un artisan, d’une permaculture etc. de préférence bio, sans pesticides ni engrais. Choisir des ingrédients qui vont ensemble: lire des recettes de tagines puis suivre…