Tag: elections

  • Having the majority of political power without the majority of votes

    Having the majority of political power without the majority of votes

    The voting system in France, whether for the presidential or legislative elections, is not proportional. Only the candidates with the most votes go through to the second round. It favours the big parties with an undisputed leader. The Fifth Republic was created for one man, Charles de Gaulle, who was the undisputed leader of a…

  • 2024 UK general election: choosing the Right or the Left.

    2024 UK general election: choosing the Right or the Left.

    The Left and the Right are two ideologies that recognise the importance of having elites. For the Right, some people are considered to have fewer rights than others: women, black people, workers, etc. The elite is composed of Oxbridge. The people have to sacrifice on their housing, health and education to give to the elites.…

  • EU-Mercosur


    Under the EU-Mercosur agreement, goods circulate freely without controls or taxes. There is a health risk for consumers in Europe. We will be creating production conditions that are deplorable in social, human health, animal welfare and environmental terms. For example, 27% of the pesticides used by Brazilian farmers are banned in Europe. Many companies in…

  • The power of a King’s Speech

    The power of a King’s Speech

    “King Charles III is a constitutional monarch, meaning that he is Head of State. Although his political and executive powers are limited, the Monarch plays a central role in the life of the nation and has a lot of important responsibilities”. (The Role of the Monarch: https://ndla.no/subject:1:9b93cd9e-a45c-428c-a8fb-b4955169efdf/topic:0b7ab7e5-14c7-4118-b81e-c7d27df3aa6d/resource:ad73b390-5142-49e7-ba86-ef25c74d2e28) But what are these responsibilities? What is this…

  • Protect the voters

    Protect the voters

    Trump tells his supporters to become poll watchers with a baseless claim about fraud at voting locations – CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/08/politics/donald-trump-poll-watchers-north-carolina/index.html Trump’s promotion of armed militias risks stoking civil war | Trudy Rubin – The Philadelphia Inquirer: https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/kenosha-trump-kyle-rittenhouse-portland-antifa-20200901.html Voter intimidation – ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_pdf_file/kyr-voterintimidation-v03.pdf Brennan Center for Justice: https://www.brennancenter.org Selma to Montgomery March – HISTORY.COM EDITORS: https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/selma-montgomery-march…

  • Contempt is not automatic

    Contempt is not automatic

    At the Vernets fire station, around noon, you could find a queue speaking all languages that blocked two streets in Geneva. A person shouts: “We have to queue while we get here to get them fucked”. The tone rises, the irritation is felt, which gives a rather negative image of foreigners to the people of…

  • Le mépris, c’est pas automatique

    Le mépris, c’est pas automatique

    A la caserne des Vernets vers midi, on pouvait trouver une queue parlant toutes les langues qui bloquaient deux rues à Genève. Une personne crie: « We have to queue while we get here to get them fucked ». Le ton monte, l’énervement se fait sentir ce qui donne une image assez négative des étrangers…

  • Fahrenheit 11/9, Michael Moore

    Fahrenheit 11/9, Michael Moore

    And that if this is the America we’re trying to save, maybe, we need to ask ourselves, Why? Why save this America? The America I want to save is the America we’ve never had. It didn’t need to end up like this. And it still doesn’t. Evil is a slow moving organism. By the time…

  • Allez Allez Allez !

    Allez Allez Allez !

      Merci d’ouvrir les mairies pour les doléances, plus qu’un pas avant les référendum. Comme pour le serment du jeu de paume, les Français pourraient se « constituer » sans l’aval du pouvoir. Par exemple, les mairies pourraient organiser le vote pour modifier la constitution et introduire le RIC (Référendum d’Initiative Citoyenne) et mettre le pouvoir devant le…

  • 2 France

    2 France

    Jusqu’à quand? Au lieu de choisir un des deux camps, unissons-nous sur les sujets qui nous sont chers grâce au référendum d’initiative populaire.