Tag: no nonsense

  • Super Tomato

    Super Tomato

    Super Tomato A long time ago, my flatmate used to bring these jars of tomato sauce that were so delicious. They came from her Sicilian grand-mother and my flatmate used to say: “I don’t understand why people buy it; it is so easy to make. You just cook the tomatoes in a big pan. You put the…

  • What is wasting?

    What is wasting?

    What is wasting? Chew twice in an apple and leave it because you’re full or eat two packages of industrial cakes and buy a fourth one because you’re still hungry?

  • My personal Henna recipe:

    My personal Henna recipe:

    My personal Henna recipe: If your hair is tinted with chemicals, make a detox mask first. 1. Prepare the mixture without using metal utensils. 1 egg (nourishing the hair) 1 black beer (bringing volume) 60g of neutral henna (sheathing your hair ―do not use natural henna = lawsonia inermis which tints in red) 70g of…

  • Healthy Road

    Healthy Road

    Be healthier with fewer traffic jams. Organise public space so people can choose the vehicule they want to use. Bikes vs Cars 2015 Documentary: https://youtu.be/et8iEIPhooM Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4397346/mediaindex?ref_=tt_pv_mi_sm What a driverless world could look like | Wanis Kabbaj: https://youtu.be/OlLFK8oSNEM: Urgent investment needed in walking and cycling infrastructure to save millions of lives and combat climate change…

  • Malgré les champignons

    Malgré les champignons

    Malgré les champignons Plus les ingrédients sont de qualité, plus le plat sera bon au goût et pour la santé. 1. Préchauffez le four à 250°C (thermostat 8). 2. Laver et couper les champignons comme vous voulez et dans les quantités que vous souhaitez (perso, je mets 500g pour un magret). Les mettre dans un…

  • Facing the real me: looking in the mirror with natural hair

    Facing the real me: looking in the mirror with natural hair

    Facing the real me: looking in the mirror with natural hair: https://youtu.be/AYXuk8OvhBM  

  • “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do”

    “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do”

    Steve Jobs The quote is from the book Steve Jobs in his own words by George Beahm

  • Fight food waste

    Fight food waste

    Buy only what you need, invent recipes from what will rot first, be creative.

  • Man with a beard

    Man with a beard

    “Hello little monkey! How are you? Hi Barbara! What’s up?, Bam exclaimed. – Hi! Fine, fine and you? Barbara echoed. – Hi! Little monkey, Bam didn’t hear any answer. HelloOoO! – Say hello, Imberly, Barbara insisted. – Hi! Imberly babbled. – How are you? You look very stylish! What a haircut! You look like a footballer!…

  • Le savon

    Le savon

      Le meilleur désinfectant & le meilleur détachant The best disinfectant & the best stain remover – C’est pas sorcier sur le savon: https://youtu.be/AD9XD9eEL5A et émission complète: https://youtu.be/BX1_SQIi5_k Extrait de Copain des Sciences. – Le lavage des mains – Naître et grandir: http://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/mauxenfants/sante/fiche.aspx?doc=lavage-mains – Des biocides au rayon cosmétiques – Que choisir: https://www.quechoisir.org/actualite-savons-desinfectants-sanytol-et-dettol-des-biocides-au-rayon-cosmetiques-n8181/ – Savon de Marseille – quels sont…