Tag: natural

  • Dar el pecho

    Dar el pecho

    Piel con piel,Boca a pecho,Insuflas vidacon tu leche rica. Consejos en abundanciate harán suspender,Con la cabeza clara y simplete permitirá continuareste gesto que atravesó los tiemposy las civilizaciones. Escuchando a la naturaleza,rechazas la leche artificialSin hormonas nibacterias buenasque pueblan la flora intestinal de tu bebé,esterilizada en fábrica,fragiliza a los bebésy favorece las alergias. El amor…

  • Breastfeeding


    Skin to skin,Mouth to breast,You breathe lifewith your nourishing milk. A serene and straightforward headmakes you perpetuatethis gesture through the agesand civilizations. Listening to nature,you reject artificial milksdevoid of hormones andgood bacteriathat populate a baby’s intestinal flora.Factory-sterilized,they make babies more fragile,and promote allergies. Maternal love,the joy of being fed,This precious bondmust be preserved. You can…

  • License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story

    License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story

    License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story Clementine woke up suddenly. She had dreamt that she was on the Red planet again, the planet where she was born. She was still considered a citizen of this planet, not of the Planet Brown for which she had left everything. As she couldn’t pay…

  • Inviting friends for dinner

    Inviting friends for dinner

    Oh! You’ve got coconut oil! Yes, we use it to make our own Nutella because we do not want to say no to the kids all the time. I mean how can you tell them no Nutella. So we use cashew and nut purees with chocolate and we don’t add any sugar as they are eating it on…

  • Healthy Skin

    Healthy Skin

    Wikipedia Aleppo Soap: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleppo_soap Wikipedia Shea Butter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shea_butter Wikipedia Rhassoul: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhassoul – Masque à l’argile blanche – désintoxication de la peau: https://soebio.com/masque-dargile-blanche-3-recettes-pour-une-desintoxication-de-votre-peau – Masque à l’argile rose – purification des peaux fragiles: https://www.aroma-zone.com/info/fiche-technique/argile-rose-surfine-aroma-zone?page=library Préparer et utiliser un masque à l’argile verte pour le visage –  Ooréka: https://soin-du-corps.ooreka.fr/fiche/voir/528713/preparer-et-utiliser-un-masque-a-l-argile-verte-pour-le-visage … – Masque à l’argile verte – éclat du visage et contre l’acné: https://soin-du-corps.ooreka.fr/fiche/voir/528713/preparer-et-utiliser-un-masque-a-l-argile-verte-pour-le-visage…

  • Healthy Tan

    Healthy Tan

    Environment Health Perspective – Sunscreens damage coral: http://www.sehn.org/tccpdf/sunscreens%20damage%20coral.pdf Consommons sainement: https://consommonssainement.com/2016/12/10/alternative-naturelle-cremes-hydratantes/ Consoglobe: https://www.consoglobe.com/tout-sur-la-creme-solaire-cg France Nature environnement: https://www.fne.asso.fr/com/santa/page_eau_a26.pdf Collectif des Associations de Défense de l’Environnement du Pays-Basque et du sud des Landes: https://www.cade-environnement.org/2017/06/26/eau-et-nanoparticules-un-risque-emergent/ Comment utiliser l’aloe véra – Doctissimo: https://youtu.be/KjjaPNvNx_U