Tag: sustainable

  • My electronic device is slowing down and my power consumption is increasing

    My electronic device is slowing down and my power consumption is increasing

    No, your devices (phone, tablet, computer) are not less efficient. They just have more work to do and as a result are slower and consume more power. They don’t provide you with any more services. Twenty years ago, you could already watch videos, make calls, look at classified ads and consult the press online. There’s…

  • Meat and environment, is that possible?

    Meat and environment, is that possible?

    No, if meat is responsible for the current pollution, it does not mean that we should stop eating meat. There will always be meat (old hens, cows, etc.) because without it, we would have to produce much more fruit and vegetables to provide the protein we need. And vitamin B12 is found exclusively in animal…

  • Short circuited mass distribution 

    Short circuited mass distribution 

    Even if supermarkets are beginning to phase-out, the G20 economy does not seem to be suffering. Hypermarkets may even have been detrimental to growth:  – G20 GDP Growth – Fourth quarter of 2018, Stable GDP growth in G20 area OECD – OECD: https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/g20-gdp-growth-fourth-quarter-2018-oecd.htm Hypermarkets and shopping malls are now doubting their survival: – Will ShoppingMalls…

  • La grande distribution court-circuitée

    La grande distribution court-circuitée

    Même si les grandes surfaces commencent à disparaissent, l’économie du G20 n’a pas l’air d’en souffrir. Il se peut même que les hypermarchés étaient néfastes à la croissance: – G20 GDP Growth – Fourth quarter of 2018, Stable GDP growth in G20 area OECD – OECD: https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/g20-gdp-growth-fourth-quarter-2018-oecd.htm Les hypermarchés et les shopping malls  doutent aujourd’hui de…

  • Homemade drinks – Hot or cold but not as sugary

    Homemade drinks – Hot or cold but not as sugary

    Homemade drinks – Hot or cold but not as sugary Yes, yes, still water is healthier, from the tap when you are lucky or bottled water. And yes, yes, breastmilk is better for babies and Moms (except in serious cases). (WHO recommendations on infant feeding: https://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/infantfeeding_recommendation/en) But when you want to indulge yourself… and especially…

  • Le goût et la santé.

    Le goût et la santé.

    “Les aliments sont nos premiers médicaments.” Hippocrate Savoir lire les étiquettes Alimentaires !!! – SissyMua: https://youtu.be/FU0pl1C5sw4?si=JiwBt92Xq9XTSeHN Pour éviter les problèmes, achetez bio, localement, de saison, d’une permaculture, d’une AMAP ou prenez du jardin, le tout sans pesticides et engrais chimiques. Ex: La Ruche qui dit oui: https://laruchequiditoui.fr/fr Ex: Ugly fruits: https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/redirect/detail/14362282 Ex: Happy Panier: https://happypanier.fr/

  • Healthy Tan

    Healthy Tan

    Environment Health Perspective – Sunscreens damage coral: http://www.sehn.org/tccpdf/sunscreens%20damage%20coral.pdf Consommons sainement: https://consommonssainement.com/2016/12/10/alternative-naturelle-cremes-hydratantes/ Consoglobe: https://www.consoglobe.com/tout-sur-la-creme-solaire-cg France Nature environnement: https://www.fne.asso.fr/com/santa/page_eau_a26.pdf Collectif des Associations de Défense de l’Environnement du Pays-Basque et du sud des Landes: https://www.cade-environnement.org/2017/06/26/eau-et-nanoparticules-un-risque-emergent/ Comment utiliser l’aloe véra – Doctissimo: https://youtu.be/KjjaPNvNx_U

  • Sugar, my favourite artist

    Sugar, my favourite artist

      Today, there is no weight watcher coach to shame you publicly, you do it yourself when you see impossible bodies in the media. Hollywood’s Dangerous Weight-Loss Secret: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hollywoods-dangerous-weight-loss-secret/ Chris Hemsworth – Incredible Body Transformation | THOR: https://youtu.be/2dC6cevmOvg Incroyable TRANSFORMATION avant après ! Le SECRET !: https://youtu.be/6WC9gYMPLTw Quand Jean-Honoré prend un MÉDICAMENT pour CHEVAL: https://youtu.be/Z3RrkjjZn44 Diabetes…

  • Healthy Soda

    Healthy Soda

    Healthy Soda Le jus d’1/2 citron + 1l d’eau pétillante = ça mousse  Vous pouvez également ajouter des tranches de racines de gingembre frais dans cette boisson. Vous pouvez également faire varier la recette originale: oranges, fraises, pamplemousses, faites varier vos envies! The Guardian – Grandma’s all-natural recipes: when life gives you lemons, preserve them: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/apr/30/grandmas-all-natural-recipes-when-life-gives-you-lemons-preserve-them…