When might is right
The main consequences of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza are: It’s time for the West to act with legitimate force to protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its 2014 borders, and to impose a ceasefire in Gaza. This is in the interests of the people on the ground, and in the interests of…
War and Peace at the UN
In 1961, Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane, which wanted to establish a UN right of interference in Katanga (Congo), crashed. The square in front of the General Secretariat in New York still bears his name. Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to …’ – The…
A helping hand – Call for the pursuit of the fight
Dear promoters of direct democracy, from all countries, First of all, congratulations to those who continue the fight in the field and from their places, each according to their means. A thought also for all the victims of violence, whatever their side. Many good actions such as boycotts, road toll lifts, blockages of the most…
La preuve qu’on sait ne pas se battre. – Quand la force n’est pas légitime…
– Vers la paix perpétuelle, Kant – Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vers_la_paix_perpétuelle – Institut Pandore – L’une des plus puissantes techniques de manipulation mentale : l’Ennemi Commun: https://www.institut-pandore.com/mentalisme/technique-manipulation-ennemi-commun/ – Maintien de la paix – Nations-Unies: http://www.un.org/fr/peacekeeping/ – Basta! – Ces pays vendeurs d’armes qui profitent bien de l’instabilité du monde et du regain des tensions: https://www.bastamag.net/Ces-pays-vendeurs-d-armes-qui-profitent-bien-de-l-instabilite-du-monde-et-du – Non-violence (Reuterswärd): https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-violence_(Reuterswärd) – The Night Manager – novel – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Manager – Beatles’…