
Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators

Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators

On December the 1st 2018, violence broke out in Paris. The government has decided not to properly manage the demonstration. Only 4,600 “end-of-pipe” police officers, as Yves Lefebvre of the Unité-SGP Police FO union says, were mobilized. About thirty French police officers committed suicide this year.

It should be noted that in most French regions, there was no violence. The movement remained peaceful, as usual.

Why does the government not start real negotiations with the French who have given their demands and who can no longer stand the conditions under which they are treated? Ségolène Royal to Emmanuel Macron: “We have no right to create disorder with decisions that make the French angry!”

Is that democracy?

Why not put the demonstrators’ demands to a vote?

Ségolène Royal to Emmanuel Macron: “We have no right to create disorder with decisions that make the French angry”:

“Yellow vests”: “The police are at the end of their rope,” asserts Yves Lefebvre of the Unité-SGP Police FO union:[twitter]-

VIDEO. Abandon, impuissance, déclassement : regardez en avant-première le documentaire “Police, à bout de souffle”:[autres]-

Suicide of angry police officer Maggy Biskupski: “She fought with her bare hands against the administration”:

The third national day of action of the “yellow vests” ended with scenes of chaos in Paris:

Yellow vest demonstration: various peaceful operations in the regions:

Oui, la France est bien le seul pays d’Europe à utiliser des grenades explosives contre les manifestants – RMCInfo:

Le manifestant blessé en 2009, entendu par la Commission de déontologie de la sécurité Saint-Nazaire Nantes | Ouest France:

Gilets Jaunes Coordination (Serveur Discord):


Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0