Tag: real food

  • Miss Terra Cheers me up

    Miss Terra Cheers me up

    Miss Terra Cheers me up Tira = terra = earth soil = terre -> Tiarre / Misu = sublime / minus  ->  Miss “Tiramisù” vient du Vénitien tiramesù [tirameˈsu], signifiant « tire-moi vers le haut », « remonte-moi le moral », « redonne-moi des forces » Miss Terra – Wikipedia: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Terra Tiramisu: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiramisu 1) Mélanger trois jaunes d’œufs…

  • Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!

    Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!

    Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language! The better the quality of the products, the better the recipe to taste and for health. It is better to choose the right products: garden, A.M.A.P., market, craftsman, etc. preferably organic. Choose ingredients that go together: read tagine recipes and follow your inspiration. Cut the onions and fry them…

  • Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin

    Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin

    Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin Plus la qualité des produits est bonne, meilleur sera la recette au goût et pour la santé. Il est préférable de bien choisir ses produits: du jardin, d’une A.M.A.P., du marché, d’un artisan, etc. de préférence bio. Choisir des ingrédients qui vont ensemble: lire des recettes de tagines puis suivre…

  • Honey, ice-cream please!

    Honey, ice-cream please!

    Honey, ice-cream please! 1 tablesppon of honey 10cl of milk 50g of cream 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional) Mix well. Pour into 4 ice-cream molds. Leave 5 hours in the freezer. Yummy! The better the quality of the products, the better the dish. So choose your products well. (from your personal garden…

  • Malgré les champignons

    Malgré les champignons

    Malgré les champignons Plus les ingrédients sont de qualité, plus le plat sera bon au goût et pour la santé. 1. Préchauffez le four à 250°C (thermostat 8). 2. Laver et couper les champignons comme vous voulez et dans les quantités que vous souhaitez (perso, je mets 500g pour un magret). Les mettre dans un…

  • Great Fruit

    Great Fruit

    Great Fruit There isn’t any grape in it ! But there’s juice… The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. Cut Grapefruit for kids – the easy way: https://youtu.be/wl_X3EGqiig

  • Broccoli Tree

    Broccoli Tree

    Broccoli Tree Change a plane tree into broccoli, why?? – La taille des platanes, c’est tout un art! – Signé Genève: http://www.signegeneve.ch/geneve/centre/la-taille-des-platanes-cest-tout-un-art.html As for chard, here is an healthy and easy recipe : Cut the blett in small pieces. (Optional, I add a celery stalk, cut into small pieces as well). Melt them in hot olive oil…

  • Le mon coeur

    Le mon coeur

    Le mon coeur It doesn’t taste at all like the curds in supermarkets.` The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. You can replace the lemons or some of them by oranges. It is also super yummy. You need for these two jars: 3 large…

  • Far à la flotte

    Far à la flotte

    “Water is made to sail or wash …” says an old retired Breton sailor I know well. In French, “le phare” is pronounced the same way as “le far”, thus the play on word of this picture. “Flotte” is also a play on words as it can mean “water” or “a float of boats”. Bretons went…

  • Oh purée! du céleri-rave!

    Oh purée! du céleri-rave!

    Oh purée! du céleri-rave! If you wish, you can add grated nutmeg, pepper or even lemongrass that you can cut and then put to infuse in the broth (remove well before blending). The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. Enjoy your meal! Two potatoes…