Le camembert de la ratatouille
Si tu rates, tu touilles. (If you miss, just stir.) For lunch or dinner The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish (preferably organic permaculture). Place olive oil, Camargue salt, garlic, herbes de Provence, onions, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchinis and peppers in a saucepan, preferably cast-iron, in the proportions shown in the diagram (camembert…
My children’s favourite recipe. You can replace the squash with celeriac. The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish. Marmiton – Soupe 3C: http://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_soupe-3c-courge-carotte-coco_86222.aspx Passeport Santé Citrouille et Potiron: http://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Nutrition/EncyclopedieAliments/Fiche.aspx?doc=citrouille_nu Peel and cut squash and carrots into small pieces. Place in a cast-iron casserole or pressure cooker with coconut milk and stock (optional and…
Vegan Recipes
Thai Sweet Sticky Rice With Mango (Khao Neeo Mamuang) Recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/150313/thai-sweet-sticky-rice-with-mango-khao-neeo-mamuang Oriental Turnips: Peel 8 turnips and cut into quarters. If too large, cut in half. Peel and chop 3 onions. Heat 1 liter of stock and set aside. Put a drizzle of olive oil in a sauté pan and cook the onions until they…
Recettes véganes
Mangue au riz gluant, recette Thaïlandaise (Khao Neeo Mamuang): Mélanger 2 verres d’eau et une tasse 1/2 de riz blanc gluant non cuit, rincé dans une casserole. Porter à ébullition, couvrir et réduire le feu à doux. Laisser mijoter jusqu’à ce que l’eau soit absorbée, 15 à 20 minutes. Pendant la cuisson du riz, dans…
C’est râpé!
Use high-quality organic food (permaculture). Rinse the vegetables (carrots and/or celeriac and/or cabbage turnip and/or red or yellow beet and/or fennel) and remove their skins, except for the carrot, which is full of vitamins. Grate a carrot, a piece of celeriac, a cabbage turnip and red or yellow beet into a salad bowl. You can…
Looking for fat
In the 1950s people ate a lot of fat in their diets. Obesity was anecdotic. In the mid 70S- 1980s began the obesity epidemics after people have been told to cut the fat. Now sugar is driving food consumption. If people went back to healthier 1950s diet it would be a disaster for the food…
Dar el pecho
Piel con piel,Boca a pecho,Insuflas vidacon tu leche rica. Consejos en abundanciate harán suspender,Con la cabeza clara y simplete permitirá continuareste gesto que atravesó los tiemposy las civilizaciones. Escuchando a la naturaleza,rechazas la leche artificialSin hormonas nibacterias buenasque pueblan la flora intestinal de tu bebé,esterilizada en fábrica,fragiliza a los bebésy favorece las alergias. El amor…
Skin to skin,Mouth to breast,You breathe lifewith your nourishing milk. A serene and straightforward headmakes you perpetuatethis gesture through the agesand civilizations. Listening to nature,you reject artificial milksdevoid of hormones andgood bacteriathat populate a baby’s intestinal flora.Factory-sterilized,they make babies more fragile,and promote allergies. Maternal love,the joy of being fed,This precious bondmust be preserved. You can…
L’ allaitement
Peau à peau,Bouche contre sein,Tu insuffles la viepar ton lait nourricier. Des conseils à foisonte font échouer,La tête sereine et simplete feront perpétuerce geste traversant les époqueset les civilisations. A l’écoute de la nature,tu rejettes les laits artificielsdépourvus d’hormones etde bonnes bactériesqui peuplent la flore intestinale du bébéStérilisés à l’usine,ils rendent le bébé plus fragile,et…
Why is housing so expensive, whether to buy or rent? Why are people forced to pay when “the right to housing is a human right.” With limited financial means, it’s hard to find affordable, good-quality housing. (https://www.humanrights.ch/fr/nouvelles/droit-humain-logement) In the cities, prices have skyrocketed. They have become inaccessible to part of the population. And the countryside…